Our Supporters
In a short five years, Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful has achieved so much, and we couldn’t do it without our supporters! Here’s a list of the businesses that support our efforts:
Institutional supporters
These entities either supported Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful from the start or play a major role in our operations today:
2023 Title sponsors
These businesses/agencies are title sponsors in KTnRB’s 2023 cleanup series and programs:
AFTCO - Tennessee River Grand Slam Cleanup Series (2nd year)
iSustain - Chickamauga Lake Cleanup Weekend
Oris - Cherokee National Forest River Cleanup Series (2nd cleanup series)
Tennessee Dept. of Transportation - Earth Day Awareness Week (2nd year)
Tennessee Valley Authority - Keep the Tennessee River Watershed Beautiful Month
Yamaha - Ripple Effect Awards
Contributing Sponsors
These sponsors support us through monetary or in-kind donations:
Abner Metals
Budget Dumpster
Carter County Solid Waste
Capital Waste Services of Soddy Daisy
Cherokee Lake Users Association
City of Decatur, Alabama Parks and Recreation
Claiborne County Tennessee
Grainger County
Hardin County Solid Waste
Ingenity Electric
Jefferson County Solid Waste
Keep Paris/Henry County Beautiful - Henry County Litter Program
Kinsey Disposal Service
Knox County Solid Waste
Marion County government
Monroe County Solid Waste
VaVia - Nashville
Waste Connections of Tennessee - Cleveland Hauling