Stewardship programs

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adopt a river mile

You can take part in what we see as the ultimate ‘end game’ of river cleanup work. All you need to do is pick out a river mile and hold two cleanups a year. In return, we’ll ship you free cleanup supplies, KTnRB swag, and even a sign to post with your group’s name! Click here to adopt a river mile today!



Save our rivers from litter before it gets washed into our waterways! This is a great program to make a 5-10 minute commitment once a month cleaning a storm drain. No matter where it is in your community, it will wind up in our waterways eventually. Click here to adopt now!


Adoptees will donate a fee to adopt juvenile mussels that will be placed in silos similar to those pictured here and receive updates on their mussel. Click here to learn more about adopting a mussel.



Make a pledge to stop the litter before it even becomes litter. Select one single-use item to give up for one year, and learn how much you are saving that could potentially wind up in our waterways. Click here to make the #Pledge4Rivers today!

Education & Awareness programs

Tennessee River Mussel Movement initiative

We’re proud to collaborate with the University of Tennessee’s Dept. of Earth, Environment, & Planetary Sciences to highlight the importance of the river mussel in our waterways. The Mussel Movement Initiative will do this through an Adopt a Mussel program, a Mussel Fest, a mussel inventory identified at KTnRB river cleanups, and more. Click here to learn more!

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Tennessee River Ripple Effect Awards

The 3rd annual Tennessee River Ripple Effect Awards, presented by Yamaha RightWaters, highlights river champions in each state along the Tennessee River. Click here to make your nomination today!


With a new Education & Outreach Coordinator position, we at KTnRB are excited to soon be hosting education lectures at schools and to other organized youth group settings. Email Jackson Dyke, Education & Outreach Coordinator, if you have a student or youth group that would be interested in learning about the importance of the Tennessee River watershed and how we can help protect it!

sustainable infrastructure programs

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Cigarette RECEPTACLES & recycling

Protect our waterways from the No. 1 littered item in the world, not to mention the chemical and plastic pollution presented by littered cigarettes. We offer free shipping for the cigarette plastic to be shipped for recycling. To learn more about our free, art-wrapped cigarette receptacles, click here.

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electric litter skimmer devices

This is our first endeavor that allows us to actually mitigate microplastics and Styrofoam bits directly out of the water. These devices work 24/7 to skim litter, micro-pieces, gases, and oils directly from the water. Click here to learn more about this initiative.


Runoff River Guards

As we work to remove litter from our shorelines, the fact remains that 80% of the litter in our waterways was originally littered on land. TDOT and Keep Tennessee Beautiful are supporting our pilot project effort to not only catch litter before it enters the river through our storm drain system, but analyze the litter trends in an effort to stop litter in the future!